Relawan Jurnal Indonesia tempat Berbagi informasi tentang pengelolaan jurnal ilmiah

Berikut ini adalah testimoni dari saudara kita Mohammad Rizki Fadhil Pratama salah satu pengelola jurnal Borneo Journal of Pharmacy Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya . Beliau menyampaikan bahwa hadirnya Relawan jurnal indonesia sangat bermanfaat baginya, berikut testimoninya”Berbagi informasi tentang pengelolaan jurnal ilmiah” Relawan Jurnal Indonesia terus berupaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan […]

Testimonial: 1000 accredited journals by RJI

Dear all, Thank you very much for the opportunity that has been given by RJI to be able to participate as supervisor of the 1000 accredited journal program. This program made me re-learn more things about good journal management and broaden my relationships and colleagues, especially those related to journaling in Indonesia. Hopefully, in the […]