Tadarus ( Jurnal Pendidikan Islam )

Profil Jurnal :

ISSN : 2089-9076 (print)

ISSN : 2549-0036 (online)

TADARUS: Journal of Islamic Education is an academic journal published periodically by the Islamic Education Program (PAI) Faculty of Islamic Studies, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya, published twice a year (April – November)

This journal focuses its publication on the publication of research results and scientific articles on Islamic education, boarding schools, madrasah, schools, and other educational studies.This journal was born around the year 2012 that is tadarus, has been published in the printed version ISSN (2089-9076) accordance with Decree no. 0005.169 / JI.3.2 / SK.ISSN / 2012.02 – February 29, 2012 (effective February 29, 2012 edition). And have gained ISSN (2549-0036) online version starting from January 2017.

contact jurnal : Prodi PAI Fakultas Agama Islam, Gedung A Lt. 201, Jl. Sutorejo No. 59 Surabaya. email :jurnaltadarus@gmail.com / 085648329406


Link : http://journal.um-surabaya.ac.id/index.php/Tadarus


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