RJI Collaboration Towards a Global Community in the Development of Scientific Publications in Indonesia

In order to increase collaboration and cooperation between the Perkumpulan Relawan Jurnal Indonesia (RJI) and the Global Community, RJI will hold a Workshop “Kolaborasi RJI Menuju Komunitas Global.” As a form of RJI’s contribution to the development of scientific publications in Indonesia in particular and in the world in general.

Free and Open to the Public!

This activity is carried out on:

  • Date : Friday, 8 December 2023
  • Time : 08.00 – 15.00 WIB
  • Place : Zoom Webinar

Link Webinar: https://bit.ly/RJIGlobal-Webinar

Link Virtual Background: https://bit.ly/VB-RJIGlobal


  1. Prof. Arianna Bicerril Garcia – Executive Director Redalyc
  2. Prof. John Willinsky – Founder and Co-Scientific Director of the Public Knowledge Project (PKP)
  3. Bobur Baxtishodovich Sobirov, Ph.D.Silkroad Research Network
  4. Prof. Muhammad Nur Rianto Al Arif – The Leader I of Himpunan Editor Berkala Ilmiah Indonesia


– E-Certificate

– Relation

– Knowledge

For more information please contact:

Official Contact: +62 8170 2406 89

Telephone: 02744284320

Email: contact@relawanjurnal.id

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? Twitter : relawanjurnal

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