Al-Tahrir is published by STAIN Ponorogo twice a year in Mei and November as a medium for dialogue on the development of Islamic thought and have Accredited Higher Education Decree Number: 64a / DIKTI / Kep / 2010. Then it was accredited again based on the Minister of Education and Culture No. 212 / P / 2014.
Al-Tahrir invites enthusiasts studies Islamic thought to contribute articles in accordance with scientific standards. Editors reserve the right to revise without changing the content and purpose of writing.
P-ISSN: 1412-7512
E-ISSN: 2502-2210
Contact person: M.Harir muzakki
Hp: +62 858-5674-0621
Kontributor: Khoirul Fathoni
Email: khoirulfathoni@stainponorogo.